Ralf Sander - Artist
Karl Janke, Perspektiven der Arbeit, Mannheim, Germany, Arbedets Museum, Malmoe, Sweden, (1993), pp.83
Dr.Johan-Karl Schmidt, Direktor der Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart, Kunstpreis der Robert Bosch GmbH, Work Art, Galerie der Stadt Stuttgart (1995) pp.14
Kunstforum International, Bd.131 , Malerei nach dem Ende der Malerei,( August 1995) pp.20
Natur Kunstzeichen, Michael Freitag, MOL. Katalog,(1997) pp.63-67
Klaus Honnef, Geisterstadt – Geistesstatt, J.Strauss Verlag, Germany (1997) pp.40-41 and 53/55 ISBN 3-929748-10-X
Thomas Rabisch, Azade Koeker, Identitaeten, exhibition (2003/04)pp.82-85 ISBN 3-85132-392-0
Ralf Sander, Okiem rzezbiarza (the sculptors eye), Fotographia Magazine, Poland (11/2003) ISSN 1509 9628
Kunstforum International , Leibgedaechtniss, Bd.171 , Der Gebrauch der Fotografie,( August 2004) pp.15
Lee- Yoen-Soo, Korean Sculpture – Worldwide Sculpture, publication of MURAN MUSEUM of Art, Korea (2001) KR/ ISBN (063-253-1134)
Jochen Meister, III Dimension, sculpture actuell, Publication of HAUS DER KUNST MUENCHEN, ( catalogue) Germany ( 2005) pp.94 , 103
Olav Munzberg, Demokratie und Selbstrepraesentanz- Zu den Holzskulpturen von Ralf Sander, Ich bin ein Berliner, exhibition catalogue (2007)pp.78-81
NamSee Kim : Ralf Sander Worldsavingmachine, art of decentering,( Monthlyart,Korea), 2009, Nr. 6,161 ff.
Woochang Jung, Interview with Professor Sander, issue 3-2012, Dureraum interview,2012/3, 66-69
Haeng-JI, Kim, MoA invites catalogue, PMLA: Publications of Museum of Modern Art, Seoul Korea, 02 (2011), pp.49
Paul Wiedmer, ‘Water Bomb’, Art Fluid Canal , 09(2008), 42-43 edition glandestine ISBN 978-3-905297-12-6
Leslie Kaufman, CO 2 Absorber, Global Warming in the Icebox, catalogue, exhibition at Crane art Building(Philadelphia, USA 2008) pg.24
Ryu Hee Jung, ‘TEAF`11:Taehwa River Eco Art exhibition, in Ulsan, Korea ed. by Mike Stubb(Ulsa,Korea: 2011), pp. 29-33
Soo-Hong, Jang, ‘Drawing of the World, World of Drawing’, Museum of Art Seoul National University , (2009), 42-43
Lee-Kwang,Jin ‘The Hidden Artist’, inStoneland, Stone Sculpture Symposium, ed. by Lee, Kwon-Hun(Iksan, Baeje Press, 2012), pp. 25-26
Dr. Anthony Buglas ‘World Saving Machine”, inNord Art, KIC Kunst in der Karlshuette, ed. by Wolfgang Gramm( ACO,printed in Germany 2010), pp. 266
ISBN 987-3-98137851-0-7
Dr. Anthony Buglas ‘ Kunstwerk Garlshuette ”, inNord Art, KIC Kunst in der Karlshuette, ed. by Inga Aruh(Band III,printed in Germany 2011), pp. 102
ISBN 987-3-98137851-0-7
Nam See, Kim, Ralf Sander ‘ Transformations-Fragmentation-Defragmentation”, in F.E.McWilliamGallery , ed. by Riann Coulter(printed in Germany 2012), 1-106
Kwon Dae Hun, Ralf Sander “catching the moon in a cup”, ed. By Soh, MoKin
(printed in Korea 2011), 1-64
Wulf Goebel, ‘Transhuman’, ed. (Warsaw:Galeria, 21
ISBN 83-931783-1-8